1,076 research outputs found

    Fiedler Vectors and Elongation of Graphs: A Threshold Phenomenon on a Particular Class of Trees

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    Let GG be a graph. Its laplacian matrix L(G)L(G) is positive and we consider eigenvectors of its first non-null eigenvalue that are called Fiedler vector. They have been intensively used in spectral partitioning problems due to their good empirical properties. More recently Fiedler vectors have been also popularized in the computer graphics community to describe elongation of shapes. In more technical terms, authors have conjectured that extrema of Fiedler vectors can yield the diameter of a graph. In this work we present (FED) property for a graph GG, i.e. the fact that diameter of a graph can be obtain by Fiedler vectors. We study in detail a parametric family of trees that gives indeed a counter example for the previous conjecture but reveals a threshold phenomenon for (FED) property. We end by an exhaustive enumeration of trees with at most 20 vertices for which (FED) is true and some perspectives.Comment: 19 page

    Evaluation du Plan Marshall 2.Vert. Evaluation thématique n°5 : Terrains mis à disposition du développement économique

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    Le présent rapport d’évaluation du Plan Marshall concerne les terrains mis à disposition du développement économique. Plus précisément, il porte sur l’évaluation de quatre mesures du Plan Marshall 1.0 : assainir les sites d’activités économiques désaffectés (SAED) (1) pollués ou (2) non pollués et équiper les zones d’accueil des activités économiques (3) en zones d’activités économiques (ZAE) et (4) en zones portuaires. L’objectif commun à ces mesures est de mobiliser l’espace disponible et de contribuer à la mise à disposition de terrains en vue de contribuer au développement économique. Un tiers des moyens du Plan Marshall 1.0 a été affecté, via un financement alternatif, aux quatre mesures faisant l’objet du présent travail. Le rapport réalisé par l’IWEPS évalue l’efficacité de la politique à travers l’analyse des retombées économiques, sociales et environnementales, effectives et potentielles, liées à l’utilisation des espaces et infrastructures publiques mis à disposition suite au Plan Marshall 1.0

    Global Perturbation of Initial Geometry in a Biomechanical Model of Cortical Morphogenesis

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    Cortical folding pattern is a main characteristic of the geometry of the human brain which is formed by gyri (ridges) and sulci (grooves). Several biological hypotheses have suggested different mechanisms that attempt to explain the development of cortical folding and its abnormal evolutions. Based on these hypotheses, biomechanical models of cortical folding have been proposed. In this work, we compare biomechanical simulations for several initial conditions by using an adaptive spherical parameterization approach. Our approach allows us to study and explore one of the most potential sources of reproducible cortical folding pattern: the specification of initial geometry of the brain.Comment: 4 pages 2 columns (IEEE style), 41st EMB Conferenc

    Surface Smoothing: A Way Back in Early Brain

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    Abstract. In this article we propose to investigate the analogy between early cortical folding process and cortical smoothing by mean curvature flow. First, we introduce a one-parameter model that is able to fit a developmental trajectory as represented in a Volume-Area plot and we propose an efficient optimization strategy for parameter estimation. Second, we validate the model on forty cortical surfaces of preterm newborns by comparing global geometrical indices and trajectories of central sulcus along developmental and simulation time.

    Structural Basis for the Association of MAP6 Protein with Microtubules and Its Regulation by Calmodulin: Microtubule and calmodulin binding on Mn modules of MAP6

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    International audienceMicrotubules are highly dynamic αβ-tubulin polymers. In vitro and in living cells, microtubules are most often cold- and nocodazole-sensitive. When present, the MAP6/STOP family of proteins protects microtubules from cold- and nocodazole-induced depolymerization but the molecular and structure determinants by which these proteins stabilize microtubules remain under debate. We show here that a short protein fragment from MAP6-N, which encompasses its Mn1 and Mn2 modules (MAP6(90-177)), recapitulates the function of the full-length MAP6-N protein toward microtubules, i.e. its ability to stabilize microtubules in vitro and in cultured cells in ice-cold conditions or in the presence of nocodazole. We further show for the first time, using biochemical assays and NMR spectroscopy, that these effects result from the binding of MAP6(90-177) to microtubules with a 1:1 MAP6(90-177):tubulin heterodimer stoichiometry. NMR data demonstrate that the binding of MAP6(90-177) to microtubules involve its two Mn modules but that a single one is also able to interact with microtubules in a closely similar manner. This suggests that the Mn modules represent each a full microtubule binding domain and that MAP6 proteins may stabilize microtubules by bridging tubulin heterodimers from adjacent protofilaments or within a protofilament. Finally, we demonstrate that Ca(2+)-calmodulin competes with microtubules for MAP6(90-177) binding and that the binding mode of MAP6(90-177) to microtubules and Ca(2+)-calmodulin involves a common stretch of amino acid residues on the MAP6(90-177) side. This result accounts for the regulation of microtubule stability in cold condition by Ca(2+)-calmodulin


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    Many neuroimaging studies are based on the idea that there are distinct brain regions that are functionally or micro-anatomically homogeneous. Obtaining such regions in an au-tomatic way is a challenging task for fetal data due to the lack of strong and consistent anatomical features at the early stages of brain development. In this paper we propose the use of an automatic approach for parcellating fetal cerebral hemi-spheric surfaces into K regions via spectral clustering. Unlike previous methods, our technique has the crucial advantage of only relying on intrinsic geometrical properties of the corti-cal surface and thus being unsupervised. Results on a data-set of fetal brain MRI acquired in utero demonstrated a convinc-ing parcellation reproducibility of the cortical surfaces across fetuses with varying gestational ages and folding magnitude

    Functional Metagenomics: A High Throughput Screening Method to Decipher Microbiota-Driven NF-ÎşB Modulation in the Human Gut

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    Background/Aim: The human intestinal microbiota plays an important role in modulation of mucosal immune responses. To study interactions between intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and commensal bacteria, a functional metagenomic approach was developed. One interest of metagenomics is to provide access to genomes of uncultured microbes. We aimed at identifying bacterial genes involved in regulation of NF-kappa B signaling in IECs. A high throughput cell-based screening assay allowing rapid detection of NF-kappa B modulation in IECs was established using the reporter-gene strategy to screen metagenomic libraries issued from the human intestinal microbiota. Methods: A plasmid containing the secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) gene under the control of NF-kappa B binding elements was stably transfected in HT-29 cells. The reporter clone HT-29/kb-seap-25 was selected and characterized. Then, a first screening of a metagenomic library from Crohn's disease patients was performed to identify NF-kappa B modulating clones. Furthermore, genes potentially involved in the effect of one stimulatory metagenomic clone were determined by sequence analysis associated to mutagenesis by transposition. Results: The two proinflammatory cytokines, TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta, were able to activate the reporter system, translating the activation of the NF-kappa B signaling pathway and NF-kappa B inhibitors, BAY 11-7082, caffeic acid phenethyl ester and MG132 were efficient. A screening of 2640 metagenomic clones led to the identification of 171 modulating clones. Among them, one stimulatory metagenomic clone, 52B7, was further characterized. Sequence analysis revealed that its metagenomic DNA insert might belong to a new Bacteroides strain and we identified 2 loci encoding an ABC transport system and a putative lipoprotein potentially involved in 52B7 effect on NF-kappa B. Conclusions: We have established a robust high throughput screening assay for metagenomic libraries derived from the human intestinal microbiota to study bacteria-driven NF-kappa B regulation. This opens a strategic path toward the identification of bacterial strains and molecular patterns presenting a potential therapeutic interest
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